Concrete Basements

We are famous for our work on concrete Basements.

How Much for Concrete Basement?

  • Plain Concrete | $8-15 sq/ft.
  • Prices include everything from removal/excavation to final clean up.
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Concrete Driveways by Nice Guy Concrete

Nice Guy Concrete has been installing concrete basements and concrete flooring for residential markets for over 10 years now. We have a highly experienced team of concrete contractors ready and able to assist with any of your concrete installations. Concrete flooring in basements or your home can really help to improve the look of your space and decrease allergens or contaminants. Basement are such a large space in your home and it would be a shame not to put them to good use! With concrete floors in your basement you make this large area a good common space to relax and lounge in with your family. Our contractors are excited to help you choose a unique design for your basement and install concrete flooring that enhances the beauty of your home. You can also install concrete flooring in other parts of your home as well.